September 7, 2018

How to Know It’s Time to Replace Your Well Pump

How to Know It’s Time to Replace Your Well Pump There are several signs that your well pump needs repair, some more noticeable than others. Perhaps the most obvious indicator is a total absence of water when you turn on the faucet. Though this can be traced to other issues, a faulty well pump is certainly something that should be considered. Similarly, a weak water flow, dirty water, or a sputtering of air when you turn on the water can also be warning signs that your well pump is on its way out. In some cases, you won’t notice a change in your water pressure at all. Instead, you may detect strange noises coming from your water tank, or you may hear that your pump runs nonstop. Perhaps you don’t realize there’s a problem until you receive an unexpectedly high utility bill. That is a wake-up call no one wants […]
September 7, 2018

Well Pump Options: Jet or Submersible

Well Pump Options: Jet or Submersible If you’ve been researching well pumps online you might have noticed that there’s two common types of pumps – the jet and the submersible pump. What’s the difference between these two options? Jet pump – The jet pump is primarily used when the water table is high. Because the water is already so close to the surface, it can be collected much more easily. A jet pump is powered by an electric motor, which helps it to suction water up out of the earth. If your water table is more than 25 feet deep, a jet pump can still be used, it would just need to be configured for a deep-well system. Submersible pump – If your water table is much lower, suction simply won’t do the trick. A submersible pump is located right inside the well rather than above it. The motor in […]
September 7, 2018

Which Is Better: Deep Wells vs. Shallow Wells

Shallow Wells If you have a water source close to the surface of the ground, you may be candidate for a shallow well. A professional driller can check your water table to figure out the depth to which the well should be dug, from 25-50 feet. They must calculate the low point of the underlying water table over the entire year, factoring in any drought conditions. The benefits of shallow wells is that they are less expensive due to lower labor and material costs. Your well pump for this setup is not submersible, which means it must be placed above ground in well housing. Fortunately, this means it is easier to access and service should any maintenance be needed. One of the downsides of shallow wells is that they tend to carry a higher risk of running dry, especially in arid climates. Also, their proximity to the surface means they […]
September 7, 2018

Water Well Pump Service Asheboro

Well pumps use a motor to transport water to your home. Your home or business requires a well pump to tranport water. Whether you’re in the heart of the city or even a few miles outside of town you need a well pump. The water you rely on every day needs a way to get into your house, regardless of whether that happens via a supply line or your own well. When you turn on the faucet, you expect to see water. That’s where the well pump comes into play. Here at AAA Well & Pump Service, LLC., we understand just how essential water is in your daily life, this is why we provide emergency water well repair services to ensure immediate support. Well pumps use a motor to transport water to your home. There are two different types of pumps: jet and submersible. When you are looking to repair […]