Well Water Maintenance

July 1, 2023

How Often Should I Test My North Carolina Well Water?

As a homeowner, you rely on your well water to provide safe and clean drinking water for your family. But how do you know if your well water is contaminated? And how often should you test your well water? These are important questions to consider, and AAA Well & Pump Service is here to provide the answers. Water contamination is a serious issue that affects many communities around the world, including here in North Carolina. Contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, and chemicals can enter your well water through various sources, including: Runoff from farms Leakage from underground storage tanks And even natural geological processes. Therefore, to ensure that your well water is safe for consumption, it is essential to have it tested on a regular basis. But how often should you test your well water? The answer depends on several factors, including your location, well depth, and the presence of […]