Shallow Wells

If you have a water source close to the surface of the ground, you may be candidate for a shallow well. A professional driller can check your water table to figure out the depth to which the well should be dug, from 25-50 feet. They must calculate the low point of the underlying water table over the entire year, factoring in any drought conditions.

The benefits of shallow wells is that they are less expensive due to lower labor and material costs. Your well pump for this setup is not submersible, which means it must be placed above ground in well housing. Fortunately, this means it is easier to access and service should any maintenance be needed.

One of the downsides of shallow wells is that they tend to carry a higher risk of running dry, especially in arid climates. Also, their proximity to the surface means they are prone to contamination. Shallow wells must be occasionally treated and inspected to make sure the water is clean.

Deep Wells

If you don’t have a water source close to the surface or your property sits on rocky geography, you may have to look into deep wells. These wells tap into a water table deep underground, as far down as 1000 feet. Deep wells have higher protections against potential surface contaminants.

Their pumps are submerged, which potentially means raising it up from hundreds of feet below in order to service any problems. They also cost significantly more to construct, needing much more labor and heavier equipment.

Deep wells are not as susceptible to drought or water supply issues as their shallower cousins. Their water tends to last longer and require less monitoring for quality.

Deep Wells Vs. Shallow Wells: Which Is Best?

The correct answer to the question about deep wells vs shallow wells will vary depending on the needs of your property and the size of your budget.

While deep wells are more protected against drought and contaminants, they also carry a higher price tag. You may have excellent resources for many shallow wells on your property that would cost you less to have placed.

Your best option is to contact a professional like Empire Pump Corporation. Partner with a professional who can survey your land and help determine the best options for water resources available to you.

A skilled well contractor can evaluate the risks and benefits and come up with a solution that fits your property and your budget. Get started with your Free Price Quote today.